Hello everyone,
This is just a quick post to reassure you that no, I haven't disappeared off of the face of the earth, I'm still here and I most certainly haven't forgotten about this blog. I just haven't had the time to update it. Recently, I have come under a lot of pressure lately to get everything that I need to get done for college, such as tending to any assignment re-submissions that need doing, getting all my work together to be independently and externally verified, applying for student finance (which I seriously need to hurry up and sort out), a whole manner of things really. All of it has become very time consuming and I've only just found time to update things here, so sorry I've been silent for a couple of weeks whilst I've sorted out my soap opera of a life.
University is almost around the corner and I want to make sure that I achieve the best now to ensure that I keep my place and get in in September. I'm honestly glad you no longer have to do A Levels to get in, you can still get in with a set number of UCAS points from a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (which I'm doing right now). There probably won't be anymore posts for a bit until I get signed off from college the second week in June, and I know I promised a whole boat load of things a couple of months ago that I still haven't done but one day or another, I'll get round to them. Right now I want to focus on securing my future in the long run, otherwise I'm going to regret it for the rest of all eternity. All I know is this; I've got quite a long summer holiday so there will be definitely be more posting going on then.
That's all folks,
- S
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