Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Today we got closure...

Hello everyone,

It's only a short post today, sorry.

But today is the day we finally got closure over the tragic and untimely death of legend George Michael. He died of natural causes, and this news is in the top 5 trending items on Twitter currently. I didn't find out until somebody had retweeted it on to my timeline. I can't say I'm relieved, but I can say I'm glad we finally know what happened. A lot of people had composed their own theories as to what happened on that fateful night. Some thought that his past had caught up with him. And now the coroner has spoken, hopefully now the body will be released back to the family and he can be laid to rest at last. At least we know alcohol or drugs wasn't involved in his death, and there was no foul play! Some of this drama was totally unnecessary.

It's been a long time awaited, and now at last hopefully some of the drama and accusations can die down now. Maybe I will return back to my Twitter account eventually. The reason I left was because the drama was getting out of hand, fans attacking, fans getting hurt, Twitter suspending the WRONG people for nothing, the list goes on. It also involved other things, but I don't wanna go into details here. Hopefully now people have got the answers that they wanted for so long, maybe, just maybe, calm may ensue. 

That's all folks,


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